There are a number of spiritually important sky-events coming up in the next few days and weeks... The rare planetary alignment of late February which won't happen again until 2040... Also, there is the blood moon in March and the Solar Eclipse... In this presentation, Shauna will show what sky events are upcoming. Then, using the same methods once employed by the Patriarchs and the Magi (who followed the Bethlehem star) Shauna will show the Creator's Message in these amazing sky events.
Youtube took our channel down, overnight on February 20... They have informed us that we have violated their rules for content, although we carefully read their rules and have not found that to be so. We requested Youtube to redress the matter. They did and said that they are standing by their decision. Our Youtube channel is permanently removed and we are forbidden to make another Youtube channel.
What now? We still have our Vimeo channel. So that is all we can offer at this time. When Yahweh allows a door to close, He opens a window. We are not sure what that will look like at this moment, but we are praying forward and looking into options. We are sorry for the inconvenience. And we thank you for your patience.
Oct-Dec, 2024 Magazine
"Exposing the Frogs of Armageddon"
Jul-Sept, 2024 Magazine
"Living the Butterfly Effect"
Apr-Jun, 2024 Magazine
"Prophecy Mythology Exposed"
Jan-Mar, 2024 Magazine
"Bringing the Gospel to a Crazy World"
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