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Broadcasts & Events

2024 Calendar
Join us for our Sabbath Broadcast: June 22

The Promises Yahweh made to Abraham and his Seed are in the heavens! Shauna Manfredine will be sharing this Mazzaroth presentation, which is a preview of the first Workshop she is scheduled to give next weekend at the Surge Messianic Women's Conference in Texas. The presentations at the conference are not video recorded, but you can at least join Shauna in a sneak-peak this Sabbath, in which she'll share the first workshop she will give in Texas. Please also join us in praying for the women's conference.


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Surge Messianic Women's Conference, in Waxahachie, Texas - June 27-30:

We will not be hosting our usual Sabbath broadcast on Sabbath, June 29. This is because Shauna Manfredine will be in Texas, serving as one of the guest speakers at the Surge Messianic Women's Conference.

Shauna has been asked to give a 3-part Mazzaroth Workshop at this conference. A sneak-peak at part 1 will air on Sabbath, June 22 (see viewing window above). The conference is not video recorded, so you will not be able to see the other two parts of the conference workshop, which Shauna will be giving next weekend. The three titles of this workshop are:

Friday, June 28, 2024: Mazzaroth Workshop - part 1
"Seed of Abraham in the Stars"

Sabbath, June 29, 2024: Mazzaroth Workshop - part 2
"Five Keys to Unlock Bible Prophecy"

Sunday, June 30, 2024: Mazzaroth Workshop - part 3
"Calendar Confusion"

There is a printed handout which Shauna Manfredine has put together to give to the ladies at the conference. For those joining us online for the sneak-peak/preview of part 1, you can print your copy(ies) at the following link: WOMEN'S CONFERENCE HANDOUT

Torah Studies

Torah Worksheets

Prophecy Studies

Prophecy Worksheets

Psalm 119/Hebrew Studies

Psalm 119 Worksheets